Contract General Rules & Regulations

General Event Information: IPC's obligation to hold the Event is conditioned upon the facility in which the event is scheduled to be held (the "Facility") making available the space applied for by IPC during the time period set forth above. IPC makes no representations or warranties regarding the number of persons who will attend the Event, such numbers being impossible to predict accurately ahead of time.

A. Qualification of Exhibitors

Exhibitor must be a manufacturer or independent representative of a manufacturer which produces products that conform to the subject matter covered by the technical programs, or that are used in relevant ancillary work (such as trade publications, associations, etc). IPC (Exhibition Management) reserves the right to determine the eligibility of a product for display, and to deny participation to any exhibitor whose business is determined in Exhibition Management's sole discretion to fail to meet the criteria or is otherwise inappropriate for the subject matter of the exhibition.

B. Products and Services to be Exhibited

No exhibitor shall exhibit, or permit to be exhibited, in the space allotted to it any goods or services other than those specified in the application as approved by exhibition management, nor shall it exhibit, or permit to be exhibited therein, displays or advertising material of any sort, bearing any name or form of advertisement other than its own.

C. Space Usage and Allocation

The space applied for is to be used solely for the exhibitor whose name appears on the application, and it is agreed that the applicant will not assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of the space allotted.

D. Payment and Cancellation of Exhibit Space

Payment Schedule
Through May 23, 2025: 25% non-refundable deposit 
December 12, 2025: 75% installment due 
(100% paid)
Payment Schedule
After May 23, 2025: 50% non-refundable deposit
December 12, 2025: 50% installment due 
(100% paid)

Membership Terms
Only one annual IPC membership discount allowed per IPC APEX EXPO event.  If IPC membership lapses prior to the 2026 event, standard rates will apply.

E. Cancellation & Refund Policy


Cancellations or booth reductions on or before December 12, 2025, will result in a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellations or booth reductions after December 12, 2025, will result in a 100% cancellation fee. IPC reserves the right to relocate the booth of the Exhibiting Company requesting downsizing.  

Delinquent Payment Penalty

IPC reserves the right to apply a $6.00 per square foot penalty for any company that is not paid in full by December 12, 2025.

IPC reserves the right to cancel booth space for delinquent payment and not refund any partial deposit received by IPC. If IPC cancels booth space for delinquent payment, IPC will notify such exhibitor via e-mail and via certified letter. Forfeitures of any kind may not be applied to advertising, sponsorships, membership dues or future IPC events or programs. All cancellations or booth reductions must be in writing to IPC.

F. Cancellation of the Event

Should any contingency interrupt, prevent, or in Exhibition Management's sole discretion make unduly burdensome or inadvisable the holding of the IPC event, Exhibition Management will return such portion of the amount paid for space as may be determined to be equitable by Exhibition Management after deduction of such amounts as may be necessary to cover expenses incurred by Exhibition Management in conjunction with the event. If for any reason, Exhibition Management determines that the location of the Exhibition should be changed or the dates of the exhibition postponed, no refund will be made, but Exhibition Management shall assign to the exhibitor, in lieu of the original space, such other space as Exhibition Management deems appropriate and the exhibitor agrees to use such space under applicable rules and regulations. Exhibition Management shall not be financially liable or otherwise obligated in the event the exhibition is canceled, postponed, or relocated except as provided herein.

G. E-mail and Fax Authorization

Exhibitor authorizes Exhibition Management, Official Event Contractors and industry media supporters to e-mail and fax show related materials to the contact, fax number and e-mail address specified by the exhibiting company on the previous page.

H. Standard Booth

Space rental shall include a drape background 8' high along the back wall with side rails 36" high with uniform identification sign 7" x 44" showing exhibitor's name.

I. Exhibit Construction Regulations

All exhibit fixtures and components exceeding 12' high must have drawings available for inspection by Exhibition Management, the installation  and dismantling contractor, the exhibitor, and governmental authority during the time the exhibit is being erected, exhibited, and dismantled at the exhibition site that include a signature or a stamp of a reviewing structural engineer that the structure design is properly engineered for its proposed use and a signature of an authorized official of the exhibit building company indicating that the structure is built in compliance with the details and specifications set forth on the drawing.

J. Fire Regulations/Laws

Exhibitor shall perform the Agreement in compliance with all applicable governmental laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, labor laws, workers compensation laws, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and fire, safety, and health regulations, and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Exhibition Management, its contractors, the Convention Center, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, and each of them, from any claims made against any of them arising out of any alleged breach by exhibitor of laws and/ or regulations. All materials used for decorative purposes shall be flameproof. Crepe paper, corrugated paper, cardboard, smoke machines, or other combustible materials are prohibited. Explosive materials and inflammable materials which conflict with the Underwriters Fire Prevention or Fire Department rules are prohibited. Exhibitors must when installing a display with a ceiling or a second level check with the local fire department to ensure that their display meets with the necessary fire safety precautions involving smoke alarms, fire extinguisher, sprinkler systems, etc.

Guidelines for Compressed Gas Containers, Cylinders and Tanks

Anaheim Convention Center shall be informed of any compressed gas containers, cylinders or tanks a minimum of two weeks prior to being brought into the Center. Compressed gas cylinders are subject to approval by the Anaheim Convention Center and Anaheim Fire-Rescue, Fire Marshal’s office.

Material Safety Data Sheets must be provided to the Anaheim Convention Center and Anaheim Fire-Rescue, Fire Marshal’s office prior to bringing compressed gases into the Anaheim Convention Center.

Portable compressed gas containers, cylinders and tanks shall be marked in accordance with CGA C-7 (legible labels to identify product from different directions).

Upright storage
Compressed gas containers, cylinders and tanks, except for those designed in a horizontal position, and all compressed gas containers, cylinders and tanks containing nonliquedfied gases, shall be stored in a position with the valve end up. An upright position shall include conditions where the container, cylinder or tank axis is inclined as much as 45 degrees from the vertical.

Securing gas containers, cylinders and tanks

Shall be done by one of the following methods:

  1. Securing containers, cylinders and tanks to a fixed object
  2. Securing containers, cylinders, and tanks on a cart or other mobile device designed for the movement of compressed gas containers or cylinders.

Falling objects
Compressed gas container, cylinders, tanks and systems shall not be placed in areas where they are capable of being damaged by falling objects.

Caps and plugs
Caps and plugs required on containers and cylinders when not in use.

Leaks, damage or corrosion
Leaking, damaged or corroded compressed gas containers, cylinders and tanks shall be removed from service by approved qualified persons.

Wiring and equipment
Compressed gas containers, cylinders, tanks and systems shall not be used for electrical grounding.

Compressed gas containers, cylinders and tanks to have shut-off valve in the closed position after event hours.

No overnight or off hours storage of compressed gases inside the convention center exhibit halls. Compressed gas containers, cylinders and tanks shall be stored outside the exhibit halls in a secured area. EXCEPTION: Security guard to patrol area where gases are kept on at least on an hourly basis. 

A warning sign shall be placed near or on the compressed gas container. 

“Caution ASPHYXIANT” to be provided by the fire marshal.

Compressed gas containers shall be limited to 45 cubic feet. 

For static display inside the exhibit halls compressed gas containers, cylinders or tanks shall be emptied and be provided with labeling indentifying the type of gas.

Final approval shall be required by a member of the Anaheim Fire-Rescue, Fire Marshal’s office. 

K. Union Labor and Work Agreements

The exhibitor hereby agrees to abide by all agreements made between the unions, IPC, its agents, and the Convention Center pertaining to the use of union labor.

L. Badges and Exhibit Personnel

Admission will be by badge only. Identification   badges are not transferable.  The exhibitor shall have an authorized representative present at the exhibition throughout all exhibit periods and during the installation and dismantling of the exhibit.  The name of the authorized representative shall be furnished to Exhibition Management no later than 60 days prior to the event. Only contracted exhibitors shall receive "Exhibitor" designated badges.

M. Hospitality Policy (Meeting Rooms & Exhibitor Networking Functions)

For over 60 years, IPC has been consistent in its policy requesting that no one conduct or sponsor hospitality suites at IPC events. Any function that is not part of the “official program” is prohibited. The prohibited functions may include but are not limited to: banquets, breakfasts, luncheons, parties, hospitality suites, meetings, seminars, technical programs, sporting events, social functions or any other program during the event, from the first meeting to the close of the event.

What is allowed?

Exhibitors are allowed to meet with their employees and customers. However, any function during the “official program” and event hours is prohibited unless prior approval is granted by IPC. Additional functions allowed, with proper authorization include:

  1. Authorized exhibitor networking functions on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, after 6:00 pm.
  2. Providing a place where only employees may eat lunch and/or unwind at the end of the day.
  3. Staff meetings (training or informational).
  4. Sales representative meetings (training or informational).
  5. Meetings with your company's distributors or manufacturer's representatives.
  6. Holding one-on-one customer meetings.
  7. Treating a few customers, ten (10) people maximum (including staff) to a meal.

IPC official hotels are obligated, under the IPC contract, to notify IPC of any requests for function space at their property during the IPC APEX EXPO event. They will require an authorization letter from IPC Show Management in accordance with the IPC Hospitality Policy. Once you have received an authorization, all further correspondence regarding your meeting space and meeting requirements must be communicated directly with the hotel. You are responsible for booking your own meeting room.

Meetings and Exhibitor Networking Functions must receive prior authorization from IPC Show Management. Meetings/networking events, if authorized, are allowed for exhibiting companies only. Nonexhibiting companies are not eligible to request meetings/networking events. Authorization for your Meeting or Exhibitor Networking Function must be obtained by completing the Meeting Authorization Form. Occasionally, more information is needed in order to process the authorization, which may cause a delay.

Any function that is not part of the "official program" or an approved exhibitor networking/hospitality function or staff meeting is prohibited. The prohibited functions may include but are not limited to; banquets, breakfasts, luncheons, parties, hospitality suites, meetings, seminars, technical programs, sporting events, social functions or any other program during the event, from the first meeting to the close of the event.  Any company found in violation may be barred from attending or exhibiting, may have their booth reduced by 50% for the following year's event, and may be moved to the end of the space selection process for the following year's event.

N. Age Restriction

Individuals under the age of 18 (including infants) will not be permitted on the exhibit floor during move-in or move-out, regardless of affiliation or circumstances.

O. Liability Release and Indemnification

Exhibitor releases the Anaheim Convention Center Corporation, Inc., City of Anaheim, Exhibition Management, its contractors and their respective directors, officers,  employees, agents, and members, and each of them, from any claims, liabilities,  losses, damages, costs, or expenses relating to or arising out of any injury to any personnel of exhibitor or to any personnel of exhibitor or to any other person or any loss of or damage to any property of exhibitor or any other property where such injury, loss, or damage is incident to, arises out of, or is in any way related to exhibitor's participation in the event, and the exhibitor shall be responsible for any such injury, loss, or damage, and any expenses relating thereto. Exhibitor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the San Diego Convention Center Corporation, Inc., City of Anaheim, Exhibition Management and its contractors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and members, and each of them, from and against all claims, liabilities,  losses, damages, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorney's  fees and costs of litigation, relating to or arising out of Exhibitor's participation  in the event, provided that the foregoing shall not apply to injury, loss, or damage caused by or resulting directly from the sole negligence of either Exhibition Management or its contractors.

P. Insurance

IPC requires that each exhibitor maintain general public liability insurance against claims for personal injury, death or property damage incident to, arising out of or in any way connected with the exhibitor's participation in the exhibition, in an amount of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for personal injury, death or property damage in any one occurrence. Such insurance maintained by the exhibitor must be issued by an insurance company reasonably acceptable to IPC Show Management, include coverage of the indemnification obligations of the exhibitor under the rules and regulations, and shall name IPC, Shepard Exposition Services, Anaheim Convention Center and city of San Diego as additional insureds. Each exhibitor acknowledges that it is responsible for obtaining, for its protection and entirely at its expense, such property insurance for its exhibit and display materials as the exhibitor deems appropriate. Any policy providing such property insurance must contain an express waiver by the exhibitor's insurance company of any right of subrogation as to any claims against IPC and its representatives.

Q. Copyright, Patents and Other Proprietary Intellectual Property

Each exhibitor affirms  that, to the best of its knowledge,  it has the legal authority for its use of any intellectual property associated with any product or promotional material that it will display, offer, or otherwise  use in its exhibit at IPC APEX EXPO, it will not knowingly infringe the intellectual property rights of another party, and that in the event of any claims or allegations of infringement of intellectual  property rights either by or against Exhibitor, Exhibitor will fully  cooperate with the instructions of Exhibition Management with respect  thereto.  Each exhibitor is responsible for obtaining all necessary licenses and permits to use or display; a.) live or recorded music, photographs, and other copyrighted material in exhibitor's booth or display; b.) Any patented inventions, items or other intellectual property owned by a third party.  No exhibitor will be permitted to play, broadcast, or have performed any live or recorded music or use any other copyrighted material, such as photographs or other artistic works, or to use or display any intellectual property owned by a third party, without first presenting proof satisfactory to Exhibition Management that the exhibitor has, or does not need, a license to use such live or recorded music or copyrighted material or to use or display such other intellectual property. Exhibition Management reserves the right to remove or prohibit from the exhibit hall all or any part of any booth or display which includes or incorporates live or recorded music, photographs, or other copyrighted material, for which the exhibitor fails to produce proof that the exhibitor owns or holds all required licenses or other permission to use or display such intellectual property. In the event that, after removal by Exhibition Management, Exhibitor demonstrates that it is the owner of, or has authority to use or display, any such property, Exhibitor's sole remedy against Exhibition Management for the removal of such property by Exhibition Management shall be refund to Exhibitor of fees paid pursuant to this Agreement. Exhibitor hereby waives, releases and covenants not to sue, file or maintain any action in law or in equity against Exhibition Management based on or arising from the removal of any such materials. In addition, Exhibitor shall remain liable for and shall indemnify, defend, and hold Exhibition Management harmless from all loss, costs, claims, causes of action, suits, damages, liability, expenses, and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from or out of any violation or infringement (or claimed violation or infringement) by Exhibitor, Exhibitor's agents, or employees, of any patent, copyright, trademark, or trade secret rights or privileges.

R. Authority of Exhibition Management

IPC shall have the power to adopt, amend and enforce all show rules, and regulations with respect to the operation of the Event, including but not limited to those regarding the kind, nature, and eligibility of exhibitors and exhibits at the Event. Exhibition Management's decision on such matters shall be final.

S. Exhibit and Display Rules and Regulations

All standard booth displays will be permitted to a maximum height of eight (8) feet. All display fixtures over four (4) feet high and placed within ten (10) linear feet of a neighboring booth must be confined to the back five (5) feet of the booth. The set-back rule is waived for machinery. Island displays are permitted to a maximum height of 20' and Peninsula displays are permitted to a maximum height of 16' when plans are submitted and approved by Exhibition Management at least 60 days prior to Exhibition. All finished sides are to be covered at exhibitor's expense so as to not appear unsightly. The exhibit shall not obstruct the view of adjoining exhibits nor be operated in any manner objectionable to other exhibitors. All lighting within the exhibit must be arranged and operated so as not to be distracting to adjacent exhibits.

T. Multi-story Exhibits IPC APEX Specific Rule:

For any multi-story exhibit, plans must be submitted and approved by Exhibition Management, Fire Marshall and Convention Center at least 90 days prior to the event. All multi-story exhibits, and all exhibit fixtures must have drawings available for inspection by Exhibition Management, the installation and dismantling contractor, the exhibitor and governmental authority during the time the exhibit is being erected, exhibited and dismantled at the exhibition that include a signature or stamp of a reviewing structural engineer indicating that the structure design is properly engineered for its proposed use, and a signature  of an authorized official  of the exhibit building company indicating that the structure is built in compliance with  the details and specifications set forth on the drawings.

IPC EXPO Specific Rule:

Two-story configurations in any configuration are not allowed.

U.   Show Management Remedies

In addition to any legal remedies that Show Management may have, a violation of any of these Show Rules and Regulations can result in any of the following actions at the discretion of Show Management: 

  1. Loss of show seniority
  2. Closure of some or all of a booth without refund
  3. Exclusion from future shows